Ask Fred > Faith > What is your understanding of grace?
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Dear Fred
What is your understanding of grace?
Fred's Response
The best definition of grace came in my golfing days. I hooked my drive out of bounds hitting a telephone pole and bouncing back inbounds and up onto the fairway. My friend and golfing partner, Robert Turner, was insistent that I take a penalty stroke because it went out of bounds. I disagreed (with an irenic spirit) and asserted that I didn't need the penalty stroke because what mattered was "where it landed, not where it had been!" We were stalemated and Bob asked our caddie Leonard if I shouldn't take the extra stroke. I will never forget what he said, "No, that is what we call a grace shot." I am currently reading and rereading the book of Ephesians to understand the depth of unmerited favor. It is not about earning, but accepting. It is not about where I have been but where I land because of Christ's death on the cross.