Ask Fred > Career/Work > What about Christian business organizations?

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Dear Fred

Hi Fred, You've said that there is no such thing as a "Christian business", just Christians in business and that makes sense to me. I'm considering joining an organization called the Christian Financial Professionals Network ( and possibly seeking to become "certified" by them. I'd welcome your take on the organization both conceptually and practically. Blessings, Stu Sorenson

Fred's Response

While I enjoy working with Christians it is not the criterion I would choose for a professional proficiency. St. Francis was asked if he used a Christian sandal maker. He responded, “I want to first know that the sandals fit well, not if the workman is a Christian.” Sometimes we are tempted to use “Christian” almost superstitiously, assuring superior performance. Will this certification give you the standing that designations like CLU and ChFC or a certification as CFP would give you? Have you pursued these? By what standard do they define Christian? I have had unfortunate results depending on Christianity rather than good business practice. I will have my daughter Brenda check out the website. She has 20 years experience in the financial services industry. Thanks.