About BreakfastWithFred.com

www.breakfastwithfred.com is the flagship resource of the BWF Project, a donor-supported, 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, committed to archiving and relevantly communicating Fred Smith, Sr.’s lifework and wisdom.

This vibrant, on-line library began as the vision of Jeff Horch and Brenda A. Smith, Fred’s grandson and daughter. The mission is to expand Fred’s reach, deepen his impact, and preserve his work, continuing his work of stretching and blessing others.

The website features over 100 brief articles, 365 mentoring questions developed by Fred with personal comments to lead the thinking, 300 powerful one-liners for which Fred is well-known, over 200 questions to Fred answered with his laser wisdom, audio clips from speeches, and 125 archived Weekly Thoughts.

Fred’s interest in principle-centered thinking led him to speak, write, and mentor high-achieving men and women of influence throughout North America for over 65 years.

Fred’s Weekly Thought, an emailed wisdom capsule provides timely and timeless encouragement and provocative insights.

Breakfast with Fred (Regal Books)
is a wisdom volume featuring 52 of Fred’s Weekly Thoughts and responses from 52 of the men and women influenced by Fred.

Welcome to breakfastwithfred.com ---- be ready to be stretched and blessed.